
Data Science for Business Professionals

Exam : DSZ-110


The ability to identify and respond to changing trends is a hallmark of a successful business. Whether those trends are related to customers and sales, or to regulatory and industry standards, businesses are wise to keep track of the variables that can affect the bottom line. In today’s business landscape, data comes from numerous sources and in diverse forms. By leveraging data science concepts and technologies, businesses can mold all of that raw data into information that facilitates decisions to improve and expand the success of the business.

Who Should Attend

Course Pre-requisites

To ensure your success in this course, you should have a working knowledge of general business concepts and practices. You should also have a basic understanding of information technology (IT) resources and systems, including networks, computers, and other digital devices used in an enterprise setting.

Course Outline

Topic A: What is Data Science?
Topic B: Types of Data
Topic C: The Data Science Lifecycle

Topic A: Data Acquisition and Preparation
Topic B: Data Modeling and Visualization
Topic C: Data Science Roles

Topic A: Benefits of Data Science
Topic B: Challenges of Data Science
Topic C: Business Use Cases for Data Science

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