
The impact of communication styles on workplace culture.

Communication in the workplace is a crucial part of building relationships and fostering a positive work culture. But what types of communication work best? In this guide, we'll talk about some common ways people communicate at work and how they impact the overall mood of your office. 


Communication in the workplace is a crucial part of building relationships and fostering a positive work culture. But what types of communication work best? In this guide, we’ll talk about some common ways people communicate at work and how they impact the overall mood of your office. 

Flexible communication 

Flexible communication is a way to communicate your ideas and thoughts in a manner that is easily understood and appreciated. It can help you get your point across, build relationships with others, be understood, and heard. 

When it comes to flexible communication, it’s all about being able to adjust your style depending on the situation or audience you’re speaking with. You might be more comfortable using one style than another – but if you want people around you to understand what you’re saying and respect what you have to say (and vice versa), then it makes sense for everyone involved if we use flexible styles of speech. 

Productive communication 

Productive communication styles are task-oriented and focused on the job at hand. They don’t waste time with irrelevant information or experiences, but instead get straight to the point. This allows for a more efficient flow of communication and increased productivity as a team. 

Here are some examples of productive communication in the workplace. 

The directive style is characterized by direct instructions, clear action steps and frequent check-ins for status updates. This type of communication is best suited for situations where deadlines are tight and tasks have many moving parts that need coordination between multiple parties (or departments). 

This style might be used when you’re managing a large project with multiple stakeholders who all need access to key information that updates constantly throughout your timeline. If this sounds like your workplace culture, here’s how you can implement directive communication.  

First off, make sure everyone knows what their role is in achieving overall company goals—and give them clear guidelines on how they should approach doing it each day/week/month/etc., so there’s no room for confusion or miscommunication later on down the line when deadlines are looming overhead! In addition, make sure everyone understands what resources (both internal and external) are available if any problems arise along those lines before sending out directives so nobody gets blindsided by unexpected setbacks later on down–they’ll just know where -and who–to turn to first! 

Casual communication 

When it comes to more informal communication, the rules are a bit more flexible. While you should always be mindful of the context in which you use casual language, and how it might be interpreted by others, it is not necessarily unprofessional to speak casual language at work. For example, if a colleague asks about your weekend plans and you say “I think I’ll go hiking next Saturday with my family” instead of “I’m going on a hike with my wife and son at 10am on Saturday morning,” they may not take offense. This doesn’t mean that everyone will appreciate being asked about their weekend plans—some people prefer to keep their personal life separate from work—but as long as your communication style fits within the accepted culture of your company or organization (and especially if there is an established relationship between two people), there’s nothing wrong with using casual language in this instance. 

In contrast with telephone conversations, email has no visual cues that indicate whether or not someone is joking around when they write something like “See you tomorrow at 9:00 AM.” The only way to know whether or not someone meant what they said literally is by reading between the lines; this can be especially tricky if both parties involved have different senses of humour or understandings about what constitutes appropriate behaviour depending on where/how/why people interact professionally (or otherwise). 

Communication styles in the workplace can be diverse, but there are ways to adapt your style to meet others halfway. 

Communication styles are an influential aspect of workplace culture. If you have a diverse team, it’s critical to understand the different ways each employee communicates. You need to work with them to make sure that each person feels heard. 

There are many factors that influence communication style, including age, culture, personality type, gender and generation. By understanding these differences in communication styles and identifying areas for improvement in your own team’s workplace culture you will be able to create a more productive environment for everyone involved. 


In the end, communication styles in the workplace can be diverse. But with some flexibility and a willingness to adapt, you can learn how to better communicate with co-workers and manage your own style. This will enable you to create a more productive workplace environment where people feel comfortable expressing themselves without feeling judged or being misunderstood by others. 


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